No matter what you’re producing, moisture can impact the durability, texture, weight, and overall integrity of your products. With over 40 years of expertise in the moisture measurement industry, MoistTech manufactures NIR moisture sensors to offer real time insights into the manufacturing process.  

Moisture affects different products in various ways, making it vital to control and measure it precisely. MoistTech’s NIR moisture sensors are trusted by thousands of applications all over the world. 

These moisture sensor applications include: 

  • Human food 
  • Paper products 
  • Animal food 
  • Minerals & bulk materials 
  • Wood 
  • Tabacco 
  • And more 

The Role of Moisture Measurement 

The impact of moisture on product quality can be attributed to several factors. If the right moisture levels are not met, it could be detrimental to producing high-quality products. 

Quality Degradation 

Having access moisture in products can lead to spoilage, mold growth, and reduced product integrity, while too little moisture can cause brittleness, loss of texture, and altered taste. 

For example, in the moisture content of food, the appropriate moisture levels maintain texture and flavor. Proper moisture measurement can significantly extend the shelf life of many products. 

Accurate Readings  

Moisture content is typically expressed as a percentage, representing the amount of water in a product relative to its total weight. With MoistTech’s NIR moisture sensors, you can maintain an accuracy level of about 0.1%, depending on the application. This accuracy also helps with decreasing human error.  

Avoid Downtime 

Downtime can affect product quality and equipment function, making it a crucial focal point in proactive avoidance of quality control issues. Our moisture sensors are designed to improve quality control, increase performance and efficiency, and reduce product waste. In some cases, the machine could pay for itself in less than 30 days. 

Why MoistTech? 

The NIR sensors are unaffected by the size, shape or color of the product. With a one-time calibration, the sensors allow line operators to perform process modifications based on real-time measurement. 

With the many challenges manufacturers face, moisture plays a key role in the production of various products. Without the proper moisture levels, the output could be detrimental to success. 

The MoistTech Advantage 

Produce quality products on large scales without compromise to quality, consistency, accuracy, or efficiency with MoistTech. Learn about how our moisture sensors can help your manufacturing process become seamless by producing quality output.