
Pelletized Biomass

Testing for Moisture

Two of the most important properties of pellet fuels are the moisture content, and inorganic ash content. The Pellet Fuel Institute (PFI) standards require that for even the lowest commercial grade of pellets, the moisture content cannot exceed 10% and the inorganic ash content cannot exceed 6%. This means that great care must be taken when choosing and drying feedstocks for pelletization.

Testing for moisture and ash can be a time-consuming process. The ASTM standard test methods can take upwards of 4 hours and require an oven, a furnace, and a mass balance to run. Moisture measurement and control is a crucial aspect in the bioenergy application and MoistTech’s new IR3000 Moisture Sensor allows you to do instant, non-contact, continuous moisture measurement.

Optimize Your Production Quality


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!

Use the Best Solution

We’ve combined our decades of experience and knowledge with feedback from our industry partners to create a moisture sensor capable of taking instant, non-contact measurements of moisture, temperature, and other vital levels with the utmost accuracy. When it comes to moisture sensors, the IR-3000 is the most advanced system available.

Installation Points

First, installing a sensor prior to the dryer will monitor the moisture levels going in. Too dry of a product will result in over drying causing a dusty, ambient environment but could also result in a fire. Installing sensors after the dryer, prior to the pelletizer will also result in significant cost savings. Product too dry will prevent pellets compacting and not molding together very well. Product too wet could cause the pelletizer to plug up – both resulting in shutting down the line and product waste.


We offer service and support throughout the world for our moisture measurement sensors and would be happy to connect you with a rep in your area. Contact us today for more information!

Understand the Process

Using the IR-3000, you’ll save money throughout the entire production process, while making the best quality product at the same time. With MoistTech, you don’t need to compromise.