
Conversion Coatings on Steel / Aluminum Moisture

Superior Moisture Control: Conversion Coatings on Steel

Conversion coatings on steel or aluminum require precise production methods. Too thick of a coating wastes resources and costs more in terms of materials used; too thin of a coating creates an inferior product and costs more in the form of lost sales. Therefore by using a moisture sensor, manufacturers are better able to control moisture in conversion coatings on steel or aluminum.

MoistTech has studied moisture control and worked within industries such as the conversion coatings industry for more than three decades. By working with industry experts, we’ve become experts in conversion coatings on steel / aluminum moisture control for the coating industry. Because we seek continuous feedback from the field, MoistTech is dedicated to providing moisture measurement instrumentation that outperforms the competition.

MoistTech developed the IR-3000 near infrared (NIR) online moisture detector and software system to test conversion coatings on steel / aluminum moisture. From field data across thousands of installations, the IR-3000 has demonstrated +/–0.1% accuracy in measuring moisture. With unsurpassed performance, stability, reliability, maintainability, and cost of ownership, the IR-3000 is the answer to controlling moisture in conversion coatings on steel / aluminum.

Optimize Quality Control

Advantages of MoistTech

The IR-3000 allows you to adjust the moisture content of your conversion coatings on steel / aluminum at any point in the production process. Thousands of moisture analyzers are installed on MoistTech applications to measure moisture and other applications, such as coating thickness, resin content, oil, protein, fat, nicotine, sugar, seasonings, plastic film thickness, and many other constituents.

    • Provides non-contact, instant, continuous moisture measurements
    • Captures thousands of moisture measurements per second
    • Insensitive to material variations (e.g., particle size, material height or color)
    • Requires just a one-time calibration
    • Maintenance Free
    • Operates drift free based on its optical design


Unsurpassed in performance, our sensors can accurately measure  moisture within tenths of a percent of most applications


MoistTech sensors withstand the test of time and are low to zero maintenance


Rely on MoistTech’s NIR moisture sensors to never drift or need re-calibration


A moisture measurement system is essential for the production process and in some cases will pay for itself in less than 30 days

Expertise in Moisture Control

Contact us to speak with a moisture expert. We’re here to answer your questions about controlling moisture in the production of conversion coatings on steel / aluminum. Let us show you how the IR-3000 NIR online moisture instrument and software system will:

  • Increase Productivity
  • Improve Conversion Coating Quality
  • Minimize Waste
  • Lower Production Energy Costs and Downtime
  • Reduce Human Error
  • Reduce Harmful Effects of Production
  • Monitor Moisture with 100% Product Inspection
  • Optimize Entire Production Process

What is the Solution?

MoistTech has studied moisture and its applications in manufacturing for over 40 years. That’s why we’re confident our moisture analyzers are a step above the rest. Plus we’re constantly working to develop the latest, most advanced moisture testing technology—which is how the IR-3000 came about.

We’ve combined our decades of experience and knowledge with feedback from our industry partners to create a moisture sensor capable of taking instant, non-contact measurements of moisture, temperature, and other vital levels with the utmost accuracy. When it comes to moisture sensors, the IR-3000 is the most advanced system available.


Locate the point in the production process in which measuring moisture will be the most crucial and beneficial. Identify how you will use the moisture measurement data for improvements and if it will tie into your PLC.

Remember this could involve more than one installation point!


A closed loop process is achieved by incorporating a moisture measurement system into the manufacturing process. Developing a proactive solution to moisture control will avoid costly downfalls. 


MoistTech’s experts will assess your specific application with lab tests, calibrations and accuracy results to ensure our equipment will peform for you. All of our sensors are pre-calibrated prior to being shipped to create a plug-and-play operation for the end-user.


We offer service and support throughout the world for our moisture measurement sensors and would be happy to connect you with a rep in your area. Contact us today for more information!

Understand the Process

How are you currently monitoring your product? With MoistTech we provide consistent results… On moisture applications involving dried products, accuracy can be expected to be 0.1%. On higher moisture applications, accuracy can be expected to be 0.2 and 0.5%.

Do you know how beneficial moisture control is? Reduce dryer usage and energy costs by knowing the exact temperature the dryer should be for optimal energy usage. Quality products will become consistent with 100% inspection. Purchase costs can be reduced from water weight.