
Cheese Moisture

Constant Moisture Control

For every type of cheese, the required moisture level needed varies. Having the correct moisture levels in cheese also guarantees the longest shelf life. Achieving the best end result requires constant supervision and regulation of moisture and temperatures during the entire cheese-making process – something that requires sensitive instruments. Are you currently measuring cheese moisture during the process? Moisture measurement and control can yield a multitude of benefits within the production process.

We understand the desire to cut down on costs without compromising quality. The IR-3000F gives you that option: it is energy efficient, reduces start-up and downtimes, and eliminates waste due to incorrect moisture levels. By accurately measuring the moisture content, your end product will be of higher quality, as well as have the right texture, taste, and appearance—no matter what variety of cheese you’re making.

  • grated cheese
  • powdered cheese
  • shredded cheese

Optimize Production: Instant ROI

MoistTech Corp.’s comprehensive cheese moisture solution: As connoisseurs of moisture control, we understand the impact of moisture on the texture and taste of cheese. With our specialized techniques and equipment, you can achieve precise moisture levels for different types of cheese in your production line. Learn how our expertise can enhance your cheese production, ensuring that every slice and bite is a testament to uncompromising quality.

#cheese moisture


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!

What is the Solution?

We at MoistTech have combined our 40 years of experience and knowledge into one accurate, reliable moisture-testing instrument: the IR-3000F. The IR-3000F is capable of not only measuring cheese moisture but takes instant non-contact measurements of temperature, fat, and oil.

MoistTech also offers a Food Grade Sanitary Valve Connection that is specifically designed for soft cheeses, sauces, dressings, chocolate, condiments, and more.

Installation Points

Pinpoint the pivotal stages in your production process where moisture assessment holds paramount significance. Uncover how harnessing moisture data can pave the way for improvements and seamless integration into your PLC framework. Keep in mind that these critical stages might span across various installations.


With a global footprint, we extend comprehensive service and support for our moisture measurement sensors. Connect with us today to be linked with a representative in your region. Discover how our solutions can revolutionize your moisture measurement journey.

Understand the Process

Do you know how beneficial moisture control is? Reduce dryer usage and energy costs by knowing the exact temperature the dryer should be for optimal energy usage.