
Coffee Bean Moisture

Why Measure Moisture Content?

Unlock the secrets to perfect coffee roasting on MoistTech Corp.’s coffee bean moisture monitoring. With a deep understanding of moisture’s influence on coffee flavor, we offer insights into our cutting-edge moisture monitoring methods. Discover how we help you maintain ideal moisture levels in coffee beans, resulting in a cup of coffee that embodies rich aroma and taste. Explore how our solutions can take your coffee bean roasting to the next level.

Coffee comes in a wide range of blends and flavors, offering a diverse selection for enthusiasts. This popular beverage is made by brewing roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds found in the berries of the coffee plant. The moisture content of the beans plays a crucial role in determining their maturity, the necessary drying process, and the weight loss experienced during storage and roasting. These factors ultimately impact the overall quality of the final coffee product. Accurately measuring the moisture level in coffee is essential, as excessively high or low moisture can compromise the coffee’s cupping quality. Additionally, maintaining consistent roasting protocols is of utmost importance.

Processing coffee beans requires a reliable moisture measurement and control system to ensure the manufacturing process is not wasting product, time, or energy. Very accurate coffee bean moisture levels have become a critical component during the production of coffee because, without close attention, the coffee bean moisture can easily become out of acceptable range. Are you properly monitoring coffee bean moisture?

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Proactive Avoidance

 Roasted coffee typically contains moisture levels below 6%. A MoistTech analyzer is suitable for laboratory or at-line use to maintain quality and control processes. Moisture levels can be monitored in green beans, roasted beans, and instant coffee. For checking moisture in ground coffee prior to packaging, the IR3000 Online NIR Sensors are valuable tools. These sensors can be strategically placed in key production stages, such as post-grinding, to deliver precise moisture measurements and uphold coffee quality standards.


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!

Moisture Experts

Our specialized team of professionals at MoistTech are very experienced with the requirements in the production of coffee. Our sensor calibrations, measurement wavelengths, algorithms, and sensor optical requirements are pre-set at the factory. Typical accuracy is about ±0.1% moisture, and the typical analog range is 0-10% moisture and up to as much as 40%, subject to application. The outputs can be adjusted to optimize PLC or recording requirements.

The moisture content of a finished product plays a crucial role in determining its quality and shelf life. Insufficient drying can lead to the growth of mold, and in severe cases, fungi and molds can develop in under-dried coffees. On the other hand, over-drying is equally problematic, as it not only incurs unnecessary costs in terms of weight loss but also results in a decrease in quality due to the loss of color. The moisture level of green beans typically ranges from 8% to 12.5%. Producers often aim to maintain higher moisture levels as they are sold based on weight. However, moisture levels above 12.5% can lead to mold growth and rejection. Conversely, moisture levels below 9% indicate that the beans are likely past their peak crop and will shrink, distorting their appearance. It is essential to measure the moisture content of green beans before roasting, as it can vary from batch to batch. The roasting process must be adjusted accordingly to compensate for these variations. Roasted coffee usually has a moisture content of less than 5%. The moisture content of the roasted coffee significantly impacts its quality and ultimately affects the overall drinking experience for coffee consumers.

What is the Solution?


By installing the IR-3000 at the exit of the roasters as well as after grinding, a manufacturer can continuously monitor the process and can control the coffee bean moisture content either manually or automatically.

Another common application is to monitor the drying process for freeze-dried and spray-dried coffee. To accurately measure the coffee bean moisture levels, the sensor should be installed over the conveyor transporting the coffee or anywhere the coffee product can be viewed. The sensor should be mounted several inches above the belt and screw conveyor


With a global presence, we offer comprehensive service and assistance for our moisture measurement sensors. Reach out to us today to be connected with a representative in your vicinity. Explore how our solutions can reshape your moisture measurement journey.

Understand the Process

Very accurate coffee bean moisture levels have become a critical component during production of coffee. Without close attention, the coffee bean can easily become either too wet or dry and wastes the processors’ time or money.