
Olive Pulp & Pomace Moisture

Olive Pulp & Pomace

Accurately measuring the moisture level in olive pulp and pomace is paramount for growers and processors. This measurement not only impacts growers’ compensation but also determines the quality of olives. MoistTech’s IR-3000 sensor is the ideal solution for online olive moisture and oil measurement, providing critical data for optimizing processing and ensuring product quality.

Since farmers often receive payment based on moisture & oil content, and not simply weight, both the olive producers & processors profit from being able to make instantaneous on-line. Assessing oil and moisture levels in olives allows for the enhancement of yield by cultivating olive varieties with high oil content, harvesting the crop at the right moment, and refining the oil extraction procedure. 

Control Moisture Levels Now!

There are multiple processes available for extracting oil from olives. The traditional methods involve the use of hydraulic presses, while more recent techniques utilize decanter centrifugation. In the latter process, the olives and stones are ground to create a fine paste, which is then beaten to break up the oil/water emulsion and form larger droplets of oil.

Prior to being pumped into a large horizontal centrifuge/decanter, water is added to the paste. Once inside the centrifuge, the high-speed spinning causes the different phases to separate based on their densities. This results in the formation of a solid fraction known as pomace, as well as separate liquid fractions consisting of oil and vegetable water. To further separate any remaining water and oil, the two liquid fractions undergo another round of centrifugation at even higher speeds.


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!

Installation Locations

There are several locations in which moisture measurement would be ideal in production:

  1. at the paste entry point into the centrifuge/decanter.
  2. At the pomace outlet of the centrifuge/decanter via a pipe with a viewing window.
  3. At the pomace within the screw conveyor. Additionally, measurement can be done at-line with a Benchtop unit that provides instant readings of moisture and oil levels in a sample placed in a petri dish.


We offer global service and support for our moisture measurement sensors. Connect with our representatives in your area to learn more about how MoistTech can enhance your processes. Contact us today for detailed information.

Understanding Our Technology:

MoistTech’s near-infrared sensors can store up to 50 different product codes/recipes, making it easy to switch calibrations when your product changes. Say goodbye to time-consuming lab trips; our online technology mounts directly on the production line, providing instant feedback for better control and efficiency.