
Popcorn Moisture

Superior Moisture Control

The optimum bulk moisture content for maximum expansion of popcorn has been reported by Metzger et all (1989) as 13.5% for oil popping and 14% for air popping. Smaller kernels require more moisture to achieve maximum expansion. Whether drying the kernels, sorting by colors, measuring temperature, or spraying with oil and flavorings

MoistTech can accurately and instantly give you non-contact measurements of not only oil, but also moisture, temperature, fat, sugar, seasonings, protein, and more. Uniformity of spray or oil deposition can be monitored and adjusted either manually or automatically.

Measure Moisture in Real Time Now!

Flavoring & Oil

Maintaining the consistency by monitoring the oil and flavorings of popcorn not only gives improved product quality, but also produces lower energy costs, reduced start-up times, less product waste, 100% product inspection, and less downtime. Popcorn sprayed with oil & flavorings can fluctuate in moisture levels and it is important for the producer to be able to have a consistent product.

Our sensor calibrations, measurement wavelengths, algorithms and sensor optical requirements are pre-set at the factory.

  • Typical accuracy is about ±0.1% moisture
  • Typical analog range is 0-10% moisture
  • The outputs can be adjusted to optimize PLC or recording requirements


Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste

zero drift

Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money

closed loop

Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!

no recalibrations

We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!


Installation of the sensor after the sprayer, will allow the measurement of oil and flavoring on the popcorn to be properly measured and controlled. The sensor should be installed several inches above the belt or screw conveyor so that a production worker can continuously monitor the process. This also allows for control of the oil and flavoring content either manually or automatically in the finished product.

Popcorn sprayed with oil & flavorings can seem to be tricky but MoistTech has the experience to make it successful. If the popcorn has gone through an oil spray, it is important to install the sensor at an angle to cut down any reflection from the oil coating.

The sensor can be located near oil spray, it will be necessary to then clean the sensor’s optical window during regular routine cleaning. If the oil or flavoring sensor has to be installed where it will be susceptible to extreme heat conditions, it is necessary to cool the sensor with either air or water.


We offer service and support throughout the world for our moisture measurement sensors and would be happy to connect you with a rep in your area. Contact us today for more information!

Understand the Process

Quality and consistency are crucial when it comes to maintaining a manufacturing line. Continuous monitoring of moisture content provides proactive avoidance of potential issues caused by out of tolerance moisture levels. Producers focus to minimize cost, reduce waste, increasing product quality, and maximizing plant efficiency. Wasted efforts are certainly a drain on resources in addition to wasted product, creating the need to evaluate and implement lean manufacturing principles.