Cigar Filler Moisture
Measure Cigar Filler Moisture?
Hand-rolled or mass-produced, cigars require the perfect blend of tobacco leaves, or fillers, expertly treated to achieve the perfect flavors. From start to finish, MoistTech cigar filler moisture sensors allow close monitoring of moisture in tobacco products, assisting in the production of high-quality cigars.
Moisture control is an essential aspect of tobacco processing at every stage. It plays a crucial role in preserving the tobacco’s quality and enabling it to withstand the mechanical aspects of the process. By maintaining the correct moisture levels, wastage is minimized, and the filling volume of the final cigarette is maximized. To ensure that the specifications are met consistently, MoistTech moisture analyzers are employed at critical measurement points. These analyzers send measurements to a PLC or PC, allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustment. Ideally, the moisture content in the finished tobacco should range between 12.5% and 13.5%.
Compare Your Current Method
- Burley and Virginia Tobacco 10-15%
- Exit of Burley and Virginia Conditioning cylinders 14-16%
- Exit of Burley Casing Cylinder 28-32%
- Exit of Burley Toaster 18-20%
- Exit of Virginia Casing Cylinder 20-22%
- Cut rolled stem (exit cutters) 15-30%
- Exit of Stem Conditioning cylinders 35-50%
- DIET 3-15%
- Reconstituted Tobacco 12-20%
Our equipment never comes into contact with the product, allowing for less waste
zero drift
Our sensors are guaranteed not to drift over time – which saves time and money
closed loop
Create a closed-loop process by tying a moisture sensor into your PLC. Full control over the line!
no recalibrations
We’ve mastered the art of moisture sensors – your unit will never need to be recalibrated for the same product twice!
What is the Solution?
Installation of the Model 828 provides manufactures exceptionally accurate and precise tobacco moisture measurement and control protocols. It is able to accurately measure to within 0.1% on many applications – resulting in improved product quality and significant cost savings.
Real-time moisture readings are available at the entrance or exit of the conditioning cylinders and dryers. Additional measurement points in the process consist of the casing cylinder exit, DIET line, reconstituted line, and stem line. Temperature measurement is also possible as an optional feature.
Reach out to our experts to see how measuring moisture in your tobacco line is easy with MoistTech! Contact us today