
Whole Leaf Tobacco Moisture

Whole leaf tobacco, like all varieties of tobacco, requires careful treatment and packaging. Used mostly for cigars or to sell in bulk to those who want to roll their own cigarettes, whole leaf tobacco moisture is significant aspect of the production process. Proper moisture levels are needed to achieve a high quality and ideal flavor.

Why is MoistTech the Answer?

MoistTech whole leaf tobacco moisture transmitters measure the moisture levels in tobacco to within tenths of a percent, to ensure tobacco maintains precise moisture levels at every stage in the production process. This is necessary especially since tobacco leaves tend to absorb moisture which would affect the quality of the tobacco. In turn this would also have an effect upon the taste and flavor of the cigarettes.

MoistTech sensors are expertly engineered to drastically improve product quality and optimize the production process, including instant non-contact measuring capabilities.

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Unsurpassed in performance, our sensors can accurately measure tobacco moisture within tenths of a percent


MoistTech sensors withstand the test of time and are low to zero maintenance


Rely on MoistTech’s NIR moisture sensors to never drift or need re-calibration


A moisture measurement system is essential for the production process and in some cases will pay for itself in less than 30 days

RF & NIR Technology

MoistTech has incorporated radio frequency and near infrared technologies into the whole leaf tobacco moisture sensors. This would enable the sensors to give users an accurate estimate of the moisture content in each tobacco leaf, and this would then allow them to take the necessary measures required to reduce the moisture content. The temperature can be kept at a check too so that one knows that the temperature is right for the production process. The right temperature levels and moisture or humidity levels are crucial. If these are not handled well, one faces the risk of providing users with an end product of very poor quality.

Also, the nicotine content would be affected. A company producing cigarettes or any other product consisting of tobacco must ensure that the nicotine levels are maintained. The MoistTech whole leaf tobacco moisture sensors do not require you to make contact with the tobacco leaf to get an accurate estimate. The RF and NIR technologies combined with the product’s transmitters make this just the right tool you need to produce an end product of amazing quality

#whole leaf tobacco moisture

Dryer Control

Dryer control is the most sensitive area of the tobacco process. Thousands of kilos per hour are processed where volume, temperature and input moisture vary. The MoistTech model 828 tobacco moisture sensor provides the user with the ability to monitor and control this process to within tenths of a percent.

What is the Solution?

Installation of the Model 828 provides manufactures exceptionally accurate and precise tobacco moisture measurement and control protocols. It is able to accurately measure to within 0.1% on many applications – resulting in improved product quality and significant cost savings.


Locate the point in the production process in which measuring moisture will be the most crucial and beneficial. Identify how you will use the moisture measurement data for improvements and if it will tie into your PLC.

Remember this could involve more than one installation point!


A closed loop process is achieved by incorporating a moisture measurement system into the manufacturing process. Developing a proactive solution to moisture control will avoid costly downfalls. 


MoistTech’s experts will assess your specific application with lab tests, calibrations and accuracy results to ensure our equipment will peform for you. All of our sensors are pre-calibrated prior to being shipped to create a plug-and-play operation for the end-user.

Understand the Process

MoistTech sensors are expertly engineered to drastically improve product quality and optimize the production process.  With our instant non-contact measuring abilities, MoistTech products are the answer to controlling moisture in your product. With our instant non-contact measuring abilities, MoistTech products are the answer to controlling moisture in your product.

Cigarette Quality

The maintenance of taste is essential. Whole leaf tobacco moisture tends to affect the taste of the cigarettes. In addition to this you may presume that you have put in the right amount of nicotine in the cigarette, as per the weighing scale. Once the moisture evaporates the real weight would be discovered making it undesirable.

The MoistTech whole leaf tobacco moisture sensor helps manufacturers combat these problems so that their cigarette products are of the highest possible quality.

Contact Us

MoistTech experts are on hand to address all of your moisture measurement and control needs. Contact us today for ways to increase quality and efficiency to your tobacco production line.

Check out our other tobacco moisture applications to learn more.