Australian Moisture Sensors

MoistTech, with over 40 years of moisture measurement experience, is recognized around the world as an industry leader in moisture management technology. Located in North America, we have offices around the world to provide fast, courteous service to our international customers. Our headquarters to serve the Asia/Pacific area is located in Australia.

Australian moisture sensors from MoistTech are unsurpassed in performance and accuracy for both NIR and RF moisture measurement technology for instant on-line, off-line and laboratory moisture instrumentation.

Find Australian Moisture Sensors in These Industries

Our online moisture sensors can be found in these industries and many others providing thousands of readings per second with exceptionally accurate NIR (near infrared) and RF (radio frequency) technologies:

Look for the Design Advantages of Our Moisture Sensors

At MoistTech, we design our sensors for reliable measurements to use for full real-time process control. For example, our newly developed IR-3000 moisture sensor and software system can be configured and calibrated for virtually any non-contact moisture measurement application. Our moisture analysis sensors are the answer to controlling moisture in your products. You will find us unsurpassed in:

  • Cost of ownership
  • Maintainability
  • Performance
  • Reliability
  • Repeatability
  • Stability

Advantages of a MoistTech Moisture Sensor

Our drift-free analyzers can be found in thousands of applications worldwide. Our versatility allows for measurements of other types of applications as well. We can also measure and control:

  • Coating thickness
  • Fat
  • Nicotine
  • Oil
  • Plastic film thickness
  • Protein
  • Resin content
  • Sugar
  • Seasonings

Our sensors are programmed to be insensitive to material variations such as color, particle size, and the height of the material. Units are calibrated at the factory before shipment and require no further maintenance or re-calibrations.

Get More Information Today

Contact us for details of how our Australian moisture sensors can save you valuable time and money, avoid downtime, lessen the amount of scrap you produce, and provide a more consistent product. Our engineering staff will be glad to answer your questions. Request a quote today.