Microquad Moisture Sensor
The Microquad Moisture Sensor model 8000 and 9000 by Moisture Systems Corp in Hopkinton MA was released on the world market in 1985. The instrument was at the time the first multi sensor system with up to 5 available using the infrared moisture measurement technology. This was highly successful with over 10,000 instruments sold using the Quadrabeam / Microquad technology. The digital development during the 80’s allowed Moisture Systems Corp to design the first system which would measure multiple components in up to 5 sensors at a single time.
Installations in the food industry on potato chips, cereals and snacks where moisture oil and even protein could all be measured simultaneously were common. The Microquad acceptance in the measurement of moisture in tobacco was proven by Philip Morris who installed over 120 sensors in a single plant in Cabarrus, NC. This technology has now been taken to another level by MoistTech www.moisttech.com who’s management are some of the original Moisture Systems founders. MoistTech’s management team have over 80 years of combined experience in Near Infrared sensor design.
The product line was complimented by the Spectraquad ™ (Thermo Electron) series of sensors after dominating the moisture market for more than 10 years. The patented technique used in the Microquad eliminated any drift in the near infrared sensor incorporating PbS (lead sulphide) detectors. These were known to drift with temperature and in some sensors they still require thermo cooled controlled detectors.
Assistance, repairs or exchanges to the Microquad product line can be discussed by contacting MoistTech. For further information contact MoistTech Corp 941-727-1800 or visit us online at www.moisttech.com
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