
Maintaining correct and constant moisture levels in animal feed is critical to obtaining a high-quality end product. Products are at risk of mold and other hazards if moisture levels aren’t maintained. Stable, fixed moisture levels, on the other hand, guarantee that animal food products are consistent and that product waste is reduced. When animal food is too wet or dry, it can cause a loss of time and money for the manufacturer as well as having an adverse impact on the final quality. At MoistTech Corp., our mission is to make the process simpler. Learn more about animal feed moisture control below, then contact us today to get started with pricing.


Less Waste

Maintaining a proper moisture level in animal feed reduces the risk of product loss and waste. Ensuring a constant and correct moisture level in animal feed ensures that the feed stays fresh, full of nutrients, and safe to eat. Excess water can cause mold growth, which will ultimately reduce the quality of the product if it is not caught and corrected in time. Furthermore, when animal feed is too dry, it can become brittle and break into pieces, which can cause dust to form and contaminate the air.

#plastic film running through sensor
#MoistTech IR3000 sensor

Immediate ROI With Moisture Control

Manufacturers often see an immediate return on investment with the installation of a moisture control system. At the end of the day, our systems are designed to optimize the production process and minimize waste, both of which can result in significant savings.

Reduced Energy Usage

In many cases, installing a moisture control system can also lead to a decrease in energy usage. When the equipment is able to operate at an optimal level, it takes less energy to maintain correct moisture levels in the feed. This reduction in energy consumption ultimately translates into yet another instance of cost savings for the manufacturer.

#MoistTech Sensor
#MoistTech Sensor

Improved Product Quality

Perhaps the most important benefit of moisture control systems is greatly improved product quality. The consistent and controlled moisture levels help to ensure that the animal feed is not too wet, which can cause spoilage, or too dry, which can reduce nutrient levels. By keeping the feed within a tight moisture range, you are ensuring that animals are getting the best possible product.

Do you have a question about animal feed moisture control? Interested in getting started with pricing? We’d love to hear from you, so contact us now.