MoistTech IR-3000 supersedes the ET-3000

MoistTech Corp is the leader in moisture measurement and control, providing world class sensors to endless applications. Moisture control is a critical aspect in many manufacturing processes and utilizing top quality technology and receiving outstanding customer support should be forefront. #Image of moisture sensor that detects moisture in tiger nuts

Our flagship sensor, the IR3000 series, surpasses all previous Near-Infrared technology on the market and provides the diamond standard to all manufacturing facilities. Major technology advancements allow us to continually provide our customers with the highest quality technology on the market.

Measure Moisture in Real Time

The diamond standard IR3000 supersedes the now discontinued ET-3000 model that was provided prior by Earthtekniks, a previous third party provider of MoistTech products in the India market. The ET-3000 has been discontinued and replaced due to the poor performance and poorly constructed internal components. In addition to frequent break downs and poor service capabilities, the ET-3000 requires frequent re-calibration a constant technical support request, creating a very unpleasant and costly experience for the customer.

Being able to provide a complete, pre-calibrated system free of drifting or constant re-calibration needs puts MoistTech Corp as the top provider in the moisture measurement and control industry.

When looking at moisture measurement systems, be sure to evaluate features that will be most beneficial to your operation. MoistTech Corp. takes pride in offering an incomparable after-sale technical support all over the world with direct factory trained employees and representatives.