MoistTech uses its 40 years of expertise to enhance clients’ manufacturing processes and protect their products.

MOISTTECH CORP. IS A LEADING global manufacturer of moisture measurement sensors and equipment, first established in 2003 by Director John Fordham alongside two other fellow engineers. The company has its head office in Sarasota, Fla., which covers North and South America, but MoistTech also has other locations across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

President Adrian Fordham recently spoke with Manufacturing Best Practices about the company’s successes and how it finds solutions to challenges.

#Manufacturing Best Practices: To what do you attribute MoistTech’s success?
Adrian Fordham: Alongside aims to provide great customer service, MoistTech caters to a wide range of applications, providing moisture measurement sensors for use with animal and human foods to chemical applications, mineral, paper, renewable energies, textiles, tobacco

and the wood industries. Through 40 years of expertise, MoistTech is leading the way in moisture measurements, with its sensors adaptable for most any industry requiring moisture or thickness measurements within their manufacturing process The company’s growth has led to global recognition, and last year it achieved a winning milestone with an astonishing 50,000 installations.

One of the most popular products is MoistTech’s IR3000. The IR3000 sensor offers unparalleled performance, with a strong reliable service that delivers stability, maintainability and controllability, producing the perfect solution for moisture maintenance. Applicable to a cross-sector of industries, its unique features make the IR3000 adaptable to a variety of material variations such as color, height of material and size, allowing the sensor to produce accurate readings regardless of material distinctions. It also can be used within the most extreme locations.

MoistTech’s incredible success and constant advancements have allowed the company to become one of the country’s leading manufacturers within the industry. With much on the horizon in terms of expansion and future development, MoistTech aims to increase its worldwide presence and consolidate the already established success. Last year, the company at-tended a number of trade shows across Asia, North America, Europe and South America where its showcased the uses and benefits of the newest near-infrared technology.

“Our one-time calibration, no-drift design allows our performance to be unmatched along with the lowest amount of energy usage. MoistTech’s sensors are the most advanced with almost 16X the energy than our closest competitors with a much larger detection point, which in turn increases our accuracy level over a larger variation of distance or height. The stand-alone unit has no need for external signaling/processing box and can be run with or without the MoistTech software that comes standard with all sensors, including unlimited licensing usages”.

Read the entire article here: / SPECIALTY: Moisture sensors / BEST PRACTICE: Reliable technology
Adrian Fordham, president: “The company’s expansive growth has led to global recognition, and last year it achieved a winning milestone with an astonishing 50,000 installations.”

Fordham has been MoistTech President since 2013, seeing it grow to more than 50,000 global installations. He can be reached at 941 727-1800 or by e-mail at