
In the fertilizer industry, controlling moisture levels is very important to maintain the quality of the final product. Fertilizer that is too dry or too wet can lead to poor germination rates and reduced crop yield, which can negatively impact both the farmer and the fertilizer manufacturer. This is where moisture sensors come in. 

At MoistTech, we aim to provide you with reliable moisture meters to continuously monitor the process and control moisture content during production. Read on to learn more about the acceptable moisture levels for fertilizer, and contact us today to learn how MoistTech fertilizer moisture meters can help.


Moisture Sensors

Moisture meters are used to detect the moisture levels in fertilizer during production. They work by measuring the amount of water in the fertilizer and providing an accurate reading of the moisture content.

#grass moisture

Fertilizer Moisture Levels

The acceptable moisture levels for fertilizer depend on what type of fertilizer is being produced and what its intended use is. Generally, the acceptable levels are between 0.15% to 5%. However, this can vary depending on the type of fertilizer. 

Why Moisture Control is Important

To maintain the quality and efficacy of the final product, controlling moisture levels in fertilizer is essential. If the fertilizer is too dry or wet, it can lead to poor germination rates and reduced crop yields.


MoistTech’s Solution 

At MoistTech, we offer near-infrared moisture control devices that can be used in nearly any industry, including fertilizer. Our moisture meters can be mounted above the conveyor after the dryer, where they’re able to continuously monitor and control the moisture content. This provides manufacturers with accurate, and reliable readings of the moisture content, allowing them to maintain the quality of the final product and meet necessary quality standards.

Controlling moisture levels in fertilizer is critical to the quality and efficacy of the final product. Moisture sensors provide an accurate and reliable monitoring system that ensures the fertilizer is of high quality and ready for use. MoistTech’s fertilizer moisture meter devices offer fertilizer manufacturers the ability to monitor and control the moisture content automatically or manually, ensuring that the final product meets necessary quality standards. Contact us today to get started!